Skeletonichi Dragon
by Bencasso Barnesquiat
Skeletonichi Dragon
Bencasso Barnesquiat
Mixed Media - Mixerd Meiia
This is Skeletonichi Ghost of Shinichi, Fearsome Electric Violin Teacher and creator of Shinichi Electric Violin Method. He was cast into hell by Mark O'Connor (O'Connor really has a feud with Suzuki Method and badmouths the poor deadman whenever he gets a chance). Skeletonichi Ghost of Shinichi has returned from the Underworld to defend his Legacy from the Devil. Skeletoncihi lost a fiddle duel to Mark O'Connor who turned out to b e Satan, and instead of winning a fiddle made of gold, Shinichi was cast into hell. Shinichi escaped from hte Netherworld with the hlep of a disgraced San Franicsoc narcotics officer who lost a bet to Mark O'Connor after he had been kicked of fhte police force for partaking of the evidence. He was playing music in the streets for tips when O'Connor invited him to a fiddleoff at the Mitchel Brother's O'Farrell theater.
September 11th, 2022
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